Thursday, February 2, 2012

Food and I

Let me just say this.

I generally don't like people.

I can rephrase that. I'm not the most sociable person in the planet. Nor am I the techie-est. Or the most athletic. I start gasping for air after taking the stairs up to my bedroom. True story.

But I love to write. And anything that involves food makes me more bearable than the grouch I just made myself sound like. Baking, cooking, and writing are my therapies.

And when I start doing any of the three, I get a beautiful after-glow of suddenly becoming the friendliest person in the universe - or galaxy, if you were to compliment my creation.

These three things I know to be true. They make me a more congenial better person, if only for a few minutes hours. And that isn't so bad.

What makes you a better person?

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